I'll show you Japanese food culture!!


Thank you for visiting this blog.

Today, let me introduce

Have you seen it before?
I want to show you famous text on the Internet forum.
It is copy & paste text in 2006.
I was introduced to Boss who like spicy food when I went to NY to business trip last year.
I heard that he use many Tabasco anything!
So I gave "Habanero" him as souvenir.

my「Nick(False name), Japanese snacks, here you are」
N「It looks deliciouse package, thank you」←Opened it, gobble
N「It's potato.」gobble-gobble N「Hummm」
N「So I ask the promotion product you...」

N「fu, fu, fo━━(━(━(-( ( (゚ロ゚;) ) )-)━)━) ━━ !!!!!

What's this?! Delicious!! Amazing!! (gobble-gobble)
Where did you buy it? Asian market?
You don't know? (gobble-gobble) Delicious!! (gobble-gobble)
Oh! fire!! fire!!(gobble-gobble)
Oh my god!! I can't believe!!(Office people gather because they feel unusual)
NO! NO! I don't give it you !! (No people say "please") (gobble-gobble)
Ah-----! Amazing!! Could you sell me all snacks in your room?」
me「I bought it in Japan, so I don't have」

( ゜д゜ ) ←He is face was really like this.

I was asked him Habanero when I returned Japan, box units
I sent a Habanero box to Nick
Demanding that things be sent to America is such a hassle.
He sent to me a thank you  E-mail, I'll translate.
  I heard that you sent a package, so decide to wait for the delivery at the front door while I watched people walk pass.(I came inside because it was too cold)
Finally, A huge man who with a large pack arrived.
I received him warmly, had shook hands, and served him a warm star bucks coffee bottle.
And I said "Have a nice day!!"
I prepared a beer ready for the Hallmark moment.
As I was excited to opened it.
However it was a my wife kilt set.
I tried to restrain myself jumping out the window.
Your luggage came here the next day.
Against your question: I heard that there are Death Rain as hot snacks in America.
I know it, however I'd rather eat pepper than eat it economically.
Against your question: It is sold by Japanese store in America
Thank you !!
I don't want to give trouble you.
But, my wife won't allow me to go to there.
Because I have to explain reason t
hat why Was I sleeping and drinking while I wrapped her kilt  to her .
I don't support  Bush.
However, because of his attitude of giving the first priority to relations with Japan,
Habanero beginning to shake the political beliefs of me. 

However I heard that 
Death Rain is hotter than Habanero.

If you find it,
eat and teach me the answer!

See you!

Keep on smiling 

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