I'll show you Japanese food culture!!


Long time no see!!

(I always say it LOL)

Today, let me introduce "Shironowaru"

It is word cointed by Komeda coffee.

Komeda coffee is a company from Nagoya city's.

Nagoya :)

Nagoya is called "The cafeteria kingdom"

You can eat toast and boiled egg for the price of a cup of coffee!!!!

(It is called morning meal :P)

Why is Nagoya's cafeteria is cheap?

The reason is because they have the tea ceremony culture.(Sado)

That is why the cafeteria culture is also developed. 

On the other hand , people in Nagoya are sometimes considerd to be pretentious.

Maybe, the store managers are also pretentious sometimes... LOL

Komeda coffee became known on a national scale, but it is not known internationally yet!!

Do you want to go to Komeda coffee??


Keep on smiling

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